Monday, February 24, 2020

Major reason why we lose clients and customers in my place of work and Research Paper

Major reason why we lose clients and customers in my place of work and steps to take in eradicating this problems - Research Paper Example The paper seeks to identify the principal reasons why McKay Limited, a company situated in Lagos Nigeria that deals with companies and individual database, is not able to retain its existing customers/clients, as well as bring in new ones. The paper also strives to propose possible measures of addressing these problems. My primary role within the organisation is getting all the field reports, logging the reports on company’s database interface and crosschecking receipts before logging the payments on company’s database. I am also responsible in dealing with complaints and recommendations that are received to a dedicated email address on a daily basis from the clients. My position in the organisation gives me an opportunity to oversee the day-to-day activities of the organization. This is because I have to authorise all the paperwork before it is entered onto the company’s database. My position empowers me with vast knowledge that enables me access adequate data and information vital for this research. One of the biggest problems that are facing the company is the low ratio of permanent staff to temporary staff. The total number temporary staff enormously outnumbers that of the permanent staff. This creates a platform for those on temporary contracts to be in charge of most of the company’s filed assignments (Anja 2010, pp 91). The key reason behind the company having so many temporary staff is because they are easy to recruit. On the other hand, the organization incurs a lower labor cost compared to that of the permanent staff. There is no obligation for the organisation to enter into a contract with temporary staff (Richard 2009, pp. 212). This is because their appointment is always between a period of six months and a year. After which, the company may decide to terminate their appointment. Furthermore, the training offered to the temporary staff is always short. It lacks the needed vigorousness and thoroughness. A lot of complaints from

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Interpersonal communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Interpersonal communication - Essay Example In the given scenario there is an interpersonal communication happening between a supervisor and two employees. In the discussion, the participants are professionals working in an advertising agency where Marie is placed as a director, Steve and Jane are working as a manager, and Paul is a part of a different department. The verbal exchange between the three persons i.e. Marie, Jane and Steve is a part of the interpersonal communication. The discussion starts with a pleasant morning exchange of greetings at the office between Marie and Jane. Jane who is a manager, wanted to discuss about a competitor firm and their poaching of a developmental director. Jane thought it to be a positive step for the competitor firm. Jane proposed to get them as their potential client to make a positive impact on their own business. Jane also proposed to get the company as their new agent. Here, in the conversation the ‘Politeness Theory’, proposed by Goffman, is being used. The theory is called as the theory of face, as it explores the communication among power relations, social distance relations; solidarity and also the seriousness that is required for the issue in discussion are evident in the conversation (Holmes & Stubbe, â€Å"Doing Disagreement at Work a sociolinguistic Approach†). In the discussion, there is a disagreement evident to the proposal of Jane from Marie’s end. As Marie observes that Jane already has other important business dealings in hand so she would not be able to take risk of letting Jane go ahead with the proposed deal. So, there is a disagreement between the director and the subordinate. Jane did agree to Marie’s concern but showed Marie some recent statistics and also showed very able persuasion and negotiation skills to convince Marie to let her go ahead with the proposal. Marie thought of assigning the task that Jane had, to Steve, another manager in the advertising agency.